What every Scott County Voter needs to know for General Election November 3, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on how we conduct business, and the upcoming General Election is no exception. Please read below the details regarding modifications put in place by the Governor, Secretary of State, Kentucky State Board of Elections, Scott County Board of Elections, and the Scott County Clerk’s Office for mail-in (absentee), ‘early’ in-person, and Election Day voting.
Voter Registration
When is the last day to register to vote?
How can I register?
Pick up/Drop off – Voter registration cards are available on the table located in the foyer of the Courthouse (101 E. Main St). Your completed card may be dropped off in the Election Department located on the 3rd floor in room 310.
Can I change my party and still be eligible to vote during the General Election?
May I vote in this election if I am not a registered Republican or Democrat?
What options do I have in order to vote in the 2020 General Election?
All Scott County voters are qualified to vote by mail-in (absentee) or ‘early’ in-person ballot, under the COVID-19 medical emergency provision established by the Governor. Voters may apply for a mail-in (absentee) ballot through October 9th by 4:30 pm with the Scott County Clerk’s Office or 11:59pm on the State’s portal (GoVoteKY.com) OR choose ‘early’ in-person voting at the Scott County Clerk’s Office Election Center located at the Scott County Public Library, 104 S Bradford Lane, Georgetown, KY between the dates of October 13th – November 2nd, M-F, 8:30am – 4:30pm and Saturday, October 17th, 24th and 31st, 9am – 1pm.
For those voters who miss the opportunity to vote in person early, voting will occur on Election Day, November 3, 2020 at multiple locations including:
- Anne Mason Elementary (350 Champion Way)
- Eastern Elementary (3407 Newtown Pike)
- Northern Elementary (3600 Cincinnati Road)
- Royal Spring Middle School (332 Champion Way)
- Scott County Public Library (104 S Bradford Lane)
- Southern Elementary (1200 Fairfax Way)
- Stamping Ground Elementary (3233 Main Street, Stamping Ground)
- Western Elementary (1901 Frankfort Pike).
What is an Absentee Ballot?
An absentee ballot is a provision for those voters who are unable, or in this 2020 General Election, for reasons of concern for health and safety, choose not to appear in person October 13th – November 3rd to cast their vote.
Online portal– Voters may make application for an absentee ballot online at GoVoteKY.com through October 9th at 11:59 pm. After completing the online application, the Scott County Clerk’s Office will mail qualified voters a ballot along with a pre-addressed, postage-paid envelope.
Phone Request– You may call our office at 502-863-7875 press 5 at start of the automated voice message for the Election Department to apply for an absentee ballot through October 9th at 4:30 pm. Once the application is completed over the phone, we will mail the voter their ballot.
How do I prepare my mail-in (absentee) ballot?
Once the voter receives their ballot, they will mark their selections using a blue or black ink pen, place the voted ballot in the appropriate inner (yellow) envelope and seal the flap by moistening the pre-glued strip. A glue stick makes help with sealing, however other adhesives, like tape, should NOT be used. The flap of the inner (yellow) envelope must be signed by the voter. This field has been highlighted for easy identification. Now, the inner (yellow) envelope should be placed inside the outer (white) envelope. The voter will seal and sign the outer (white) envelope where highlighted. This pre-addressed, postage-paid envelope may now be mailed back to the Scott County Clerk’s Office.
For more detailed information about how MAIL-IN (ABSENTEE) ballots are prepared, please watch the video on our Facebook page entitled “How to Vote By MAIL-IN Ballot”.
DEADLINE to apply for MAIL-IN (Absentee) Ballot: The deadline for applying for/requesting a mail-in ballot either by using the online portal (no later than 11:59 pm) or calling the Scott County Clerk’s Office (no later than 4:30 pm) is Friday, October 9, 2020.
DROP-OFF OPTION for MAIL-IN (Absentee) Ballot – Voters may hand-deliver their voted ballot to the Scott County Clerk’s Office at 101 E. Main Street, Georgetown. The official ballot drop box is located inside the foyer of the Scott County Courthouse OR if it is more convenient, beginning on October 13th, you may drop it off at our Scott County Clerk Election Center located at the Scott Co. Public Library at 104 S Bradford Lane.
How is the privacy of my mail-in or hand-delivered ballot protected?
Once a voted ballot envelope has been received by the Scott County Clerk’s Office it will be recorded in the voter registration system that the voter’s ballot has been returned. The Ballot Processing Committee appointed by the Scott County Board of Elections will verify the signature as the voter’s. Once all ballots have been removed from their envelopes, separating the voter’s identity from his or her voted ballot and the Scott County Board of Elections has completed all necessary inspections, the ballot will be inserted into the scanner to be counted. This process prevents anyone from knowing how the voter has voted. For more detailed information about how the MAIL-IN (ABSENTEE) ballots are processed, please watch the video on our Facebook page entitled “How to Vote By MAIL-IN Ballot”.
IN-PERSON Early Voting – Beginning Tuesday, October 13th, all registered Scott County voters will be able to go to the Scott County Public Library located at 104 S Bradford Lane, Georgetown, KY to cast their ballot in person. We are asking that all voters wear masks in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to those who might be vulnerable. Election Officers will be wearing a facial covering and/or sitting behind a protective barrier. We must follow all the guidelines, and voters will be asked to keep a 6-foot distance while in line and voting. Voters are asked to have their ID ready in order to not hold up the lines. Voters will be checked in using an e-Poll book and a new or sanitized stylus to provide their signature. Voters will also be given the appropriate ballot according to their assigned precinct and an ink pen for their personal use. Voters will be directed to a privacy booth to mark their ballot. Once the ballot is marked, the voter will be directed to a scanner into which the voter will cast his or her ballot.
Hours of voting will be 8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, October 13th – November 2nd. We will have extended hours on Saturday, October 17th, 24th, and 31st from 9 am – 1 pm.
What is different about ‘early’ in-person voting as opposed to voting on Election Day?
Absolutely nothing! The process of casting your ballot is NO different in either method. We encourage you to come and vote ‘early’ at your convenience to allow for smaller crowds and shorter lines in efforts to protect those most vulnerable during the current pandemic.
Voters may come to cast their ballot at our Scott County Election Center located at the Scott County Public Library from October 13th through November 2nd, between the hours 8:30 am – 4:30 pm OR on Saturday, October, 17th, 24th or 31st between the hours of 9 am – 1 pm.
In-person Voting
All voters may choose to vote in person on Election Day, November 3, 2020 at any one (1) of eight (8) locations throughout the county, with traditional hours of 6am-6pm at all locations.
- Anne Mason Elementary (350 Champion Way)
- Eastern Elementary (3407 Newtown Pike)
- Northern Elementary (3600 Cincinnati Road)
- Royal Spring Middle School (332 Champion Way)
- Scott County Public Library (104 S Bradford Lane)
- Southern Elementary (1200 Fairfax Way)
- Stamping Ground Elementary (3233 Main Street, Stamping Ground)
- Western Elementary (1901 Frankfort Pike).
Do I have to wear a mask to vote in-person?
Message from Scott County Clerk Rebecca M. Johnson:
We hope that we have been thorough in describing the many options available to Scott County voters in the upcoming General Election. We understand that there are many changes in the way we will exercise our right to vote in this election and it may lead to some confusion or uncertainty. Please do not hesitate to contact me or my staff with any questions or concerns. We are here to help in any way we can!