Precinct Election Officer Application
Yes, I want to be a Precinct Election Officer! Please fill out the contact form to receive more information from the County Board of Elections.
Open Records Request
Qualifications & Duties of a Poll Worker
- You must be a qualified, registered voter. If you will be 18 years old on or before the General election, you can serve as a precinct election officer.
- You cannot serve if you are a candidate during the election year.
- You cannot serve if you are the spouse, parent, brother, sister, or child of a candidate who is to be voted for in that precinct. You may serve in other precincts in which your spouse or relative is not on the ballot.
- You cannot change your party affiliation for one (1) year prior to your appointment as a precinct election officer. However, if you are not registered to vote, you may register to vote prior to volunteering to serve as a precinct election officer.
You must be a responsible person who wants to serve the community in a very important role. Below is a list of duties one must perform while serving as a precinct election officer:
- Attend the required training sessions before the election;
- Your election day will begin at 5:30 AM (or earlier as required by your county board of elections) when you report to your polling place;
- Arrange your polling place with all the necessary election materials and voting equipment in a way to ensure privacy for each voter and security in the voting process;
- The precinct must open by 6:00 AM;
- Process voters and provide any assistance;
- Administer all election laws;
- Treat every voter with respect and courtesy;
- Close the polling place after the last voter in line at 6:00 PM has voted;
- Complete all necessary paper work; and
- Return all election materials to the County Clerk’s office that evening.
Contact Info
Scott County Clerk
101 E Main St, Georgetown, KY 40324
(502) 863-7875
(502) 863-7898
[email protected]
Dept. Contacts
- Chief Deputy: [email protected]
- Election: [email protected]
- Motor Vehicle: [email protected]
- Recordings: [email protected]
Important Information
Pop up Information
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